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Medical Services

Our medical services include:

* Most medical services are covered by the Medical Services Plan of BC. We accept cash, Visa, and Master Card for services that are not covered. We do not do e-trasfers*

Medication Renewal Tips:

Our doctors prescribe enough medication to last until your next reassessment, allowing for adjustments based on your health (e.g., side effects, lab reviews, or changing needs). For medication refills,

  • Book a virtual or clinic appointment with your doctor.
  • Check your prescription bottle or pharmacy to avoid unnecessary appointments.
  • Pharmacists can provide a short supply if needed while waiting for your appointment.
  • If prescription(s) was missed during a recent visit, do not request fax refills, call the office instead.

Plan refill appointments at least 3 weeks in advance. Urgent spots are reserved for acute illnesses only.

For blister packs, arrange refills as soon as you pick up your last pack.

Office fees for Forms which are not covered by MSP:

Subject Crossroads Rate Comments
Sick Note $15
Driver’s medical  $60 Blue Lined
Driver’s medical  $135 Yellow Lined
Disability Tax Credit $156
Forms $30 per page
Transfer of records $30
Cortisone injections $15
Medical exam forms $30-$90
Insurance ( eg Blue Cross)  $46
Cosmetic procedures $50-$200
Footcare $50